NLP Training Methodology

Page Overview

• Applications of Transformative Neuro Linguistic Programming for every participants, from every walk of life.

• Abhay's NLP Courses are practical and experiential and follows the criteria set by Dr. John Grinder (co-creator of NLP)

• The NLP Courses facilitated by Abhay focuses on practicing the tools and techniques rather then just theoretical knowledge.

• The Transformative NLP Courses are designed for a participants to experience a deep healing experience.

• Post course support and testing the NLP techniques and tools in the real world.

Participants interacting and making notes during NLP Practitioner course in Mumbai, facilitated by NLP Master Practitioner in Mumbai - Abhay Thhakkar
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Applications of Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro Linguistic Programming began in the early 1970s with NLP Modelling.
NLP Modelling is the process of decoding, learning, and applying the patterns that successful people apply that yields them the success. Thereby enabling us to discover the secrets of success and what that sets them apart from others.

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The widespread application of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has made NLP an integral part in the realm of personal and professional development.
This includes individuals and groups from the world of corporates and educational institutions.
Hence, NLP is universally applicable. 
I am fortunate to have had the opportunity of facilitating NLP trainings for participants hailing from diverse backgrounds ranging from HR consultants, CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Teachers, Psychologists to Dance performers and Sports coaches. 
I have shared some of the application on the pages:
NLP for Leadership
NLP for Parenting
NLP for Doctors
NLP for Athletes

participants from different professions attending NLP Courses facilitated by NLP Master Practitioner - Abhay Thhakkar
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Hence, I have structured my NLP trainings in a way that each participant gains applications of New Code NLP/NLP in their personal and/or professional life.
I spend ample time in sharing the personal and professional relevance and applications for the participants during the NLP Training.
Further, participants themselves discover too how and when they can apply the newly acquired skills and techniques in the days, weeks, months and years to come.
Thereby gaining methods through which they can create and live the life they desire.

A group of participants discussing during the NLP Course in Mumbai, facilitated by NLP Practitioner from Mumbai - Abhay Thhakkar
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Practical NLP Training

I've been privileged to receive direct mentoring from Dr. John Grinder, the co-creator of NLP and New Code NLP. During his NLP Trainers Trainings, Dr. Grinder often emphasized certain criteria he expected from us(NLP Trainers certified by him) during our NLP Trainings.

The criteria were set by him to ensure the effectiveness of the NLP Trainings and also they are ofinternational standards.

One of the criteria included: The measure of an effective NLP Training is whether a participant can practically apply the NLP tool/technique, not just talk about it.

Other criteria being: The NLP Trainer must create contexts of discovery for the participants. Thereby enabling the participants to discover their own learnings during the NLP Course.

Considering the above 2 criteria, my Internationally Certified NLP Courses are practical and experiential.

I believe that the heart of NLP lies in hands-on, interactive experiences and thereby going beyond theoretical information that can be acquired through NLP books.

two corporate trainers with a hand shake and a city in a background
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Practicing Neuro Linguistic Programming

"Practice Practice Practice"

There is no secret that for mastering any skill and ability, the key is to practice. It is about 'hand on' practice and practicing it for numerous times. There is no substitute to it, isn’t it?

Therefore, all the NLP techniques and tools I share during my New Code NLP – NLP Courses are practiced. Additionally, all the patterns – NLP techniques and tools are reviewed on numerous occasions during my NLP Courses in India and overseas, including Transformative NLP Training - Level 1 and Transformative NLP Training - Level 2

Post the New Code NLP – NLP Course, I provide opportunities to participants to review the NLP tools during the ‘Pattern review meet up’ online.

Group discussion during NLP Course in Delhi
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Self – Healing & Growth with NLP Courses

I believe the biggest gift you can give yourself is breaking through your barriers of past and present that are holding back from living your life to the highest potential.

Hence, a prime purpose of mine for facilitating the Transformative NLP Courses in India and overseas is of facilitating a deep healing experience for participants.
Thereby participants are no longer are prisoners of the past.
Additionally, enabling them to achieve the outcomes they desire in life more easily.

It is always satisfying when I get to know how much growth my participants are experiencing post the Transformative NLP Course.

participant experience bliss during NLP coaching at Abhay Thakkar's NLP course in Mumbai
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Testing Neuro Linguistic Programming

During my Transformative NLP Courses in Mumbai and other cities, I encourage my participants to apply their learnings in the real world because true understanding comes from real-world application.

In fact, to support their learning journey, I even offer lifetime mentoring at no additional cost. 

In the words of Dale Carnegie, "Knowledge isn't power until it is applied."

So, embark on your NLP journey with Abhay, and let transformation unfold now.

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