NLP Coaching & NLP Life Coaching
(Online NLP Course)

Learn Neuro Linguistic Programming with Hypnosis at the comforts of your home.

Best NLP Trainer of India - Abhay Thhakkar, facilitating during a Neuro Linguistic Programming Course in Mumbai.ipad shapeI pad shadow
Page Overview

• Topics of the 10 days online NLP course.

•  Who will benefit from the NLP Coaching Course?

•  Course Contents and benefits of the 1st 4 days.

•  Course Contents and benefits of the next 6 days.

This Transformative Online NLP Course are for individuals looking to transform their personal and professional lives.
The practical NLP techniques and tools will enable you to achieve much more professionally and live a more fulfilling personal life.

a man wearing a suit pressing the button of goal denoting he is choosing to achieve a goal after NLP practictioner course in Mumbai
Abhay U Thakkar, the best NLP Trainer in India, facilitating the best NLP Course in India

Online NLP Training

The 10 days Transformative - Online NLP training, involves learning NLP - Hypnosis.

Some of the learnings and benefits include:

1- Learn Language of influence
2- Understand yourself and others better.
3- Heal and enhance relationships and emotions
4- Boost professional growth
5- Gain proficiency as an NLP Coach - Life Coach.

and more...including creating your hypnosis and meditation scripts for healing and enhancing aspects of life.


Online NLP Coaching Course:

What are the topics of this NLP course?
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The 10 days online NLP course covers topics from the NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner course along with Hypnotherapy for healing relationships.

Some of the topics include:

> Personal Editing
Healing unhealthy habits such as eating habits.
> New Behaviour GeneratorGenerating new behaviours in situations you are stuck in.

> Creating Rapport - Verbally and Non-Verbally
Create deep rapport with anyone you interact

> Milton Model
Becoming influential with words / Language of Influence

> Creating 'Well Formed Outcomes'
Gain more clarity in what you wish to achieve.

> Values - Elicitation, Ranking, Abstracion and Syntax check, Elaboration of Values.
Learn and experience the underling your unconscious thoughts influencing your thoughts, behaviours, decision making process.

> Sub Modalities
Applying sub modalities for creating transformations

> Recognising Personality Types

> Anchoring

Setting and applying anchors for influence and transformations.

> Mindfullness with Words
Enhance relationship with self and others.
Reduce conflicts in relationships.

> Sleight of Mouth (Conversational Belief Change)
Transforming others and your beliefs through utilising certain language patterns.

> Parts Integration / Visual Squash
Resolving inner conflicts

Note: Above are some of the topics. There is more taught based on the outcomes that participants desire to accomplish through this NLP training.

What are the course content and benefits of 1st 4 days?
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• Understanding Personality Types

• Mindfulness with Words

• Creating Hypnotic scripts for meditation, sales, and more.

• NLP technique for healing anxiety

• NLP technique for releasing emotions from painful memories

• NLP technique for changing self-talk

• Learn modifying memories

• Reduce being judgmental.

• Learn to give effective feedback/criticism.

• Learn transforming beliefs through words.

• Secrets of Influential Communication

What are the course content and benefits of next  6 days?
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• Learn how to develop a more success mindset.

• Gain clarity in outcomes in personal pursuits and professional life.

• Learn to deal with internal conflicts.

• Learn about negotiations.

• Learn to deal with all kinds of addictions.

• Learn NLP techniques for modifying behaviours.

• Learn NLP techniques for enhancing calmness, confidence, peace, and happiness.

• Learn cross-hemispheric brain activity for enhancing focus and creating states for higher performances.

• Learn NLP techniques for applying on children, even with children with learning disabilities.

Who benefits from this Transformative Online NLP Coaching course?
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This NLP Course of NLP Life Coaching enables individuals from all backgrounds to reach their full potential - whether they are striving for success in business or peak performance on the stage or wishing to heal personal relationships.

From CEOs and college principals to doctors, psychologists, and athletes, professionals from every background have experienced immense benefits from my NLP courses.

If you would like to read about how Transformative NLP courses benefit various professionals and various articles, you can visit the page: Transformative NLP articles.

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Looking to know more?

For updates regarding the upcoming Online NLP Coaching Course/ NLP Life Coaching Course, visit:

To know about Abhay U Thakkar - Internationally Certified NLP and New Code NLP Trainer from India, visit: About Abhay Thhakkar

To become familiar with the facilitation style and gain benefits, you can watch his videos: NLP Videos

a creative picture of a finger touching the brain representing the effects of NLP session
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