NLP course benefits for Athletes -Sports

Page Overview

• The key to success in Cricket as shared by a Test batsman.
• Keeping the mind free of thoughts - The 'know nothing state'.
• Accessing the 'know nothing state'.
• Accessing the 'peak performance state'
• Being the best...always.
• NLP in football - Success story
• NLP in Tennis -Article - Importance of working on mind.

a man holding a medal, winning a sport after receiving NLP Coaching
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Achievement in Cricket

Cheteshwar Pujara – the Indian Test batsman, won the man of the series in India’s tour ofAustralia (2018/2019) after his stellar performance.

His stats during the series:
1258 balls faced (the most by any batsman in Australia in a series of 4 or less tests).
31 hours spent while batting.

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After achieving this amazing feat, a journalist asked him what is his secret?
And he said, “Batting is like meditation for me. I ensure that my mind is blank.”

The 'Know Nothing State'

“The greatest efforts in sports came when the mind is as still as a glass lake” – Timothy Gallwey

The state described by Cheteshwar Pujara and Timothy Gallwey is what John Grinder (co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming) would also call as ‘know nothing state’.
As John Grinder says, a ‘know nothing state’ is a state in which an individual has a heightened sensory awareness and there is no internal dialogue.
At that moment the unconscious mind of the person is activated which assists the person to be at his/her peak performance.
The ‘know nothing state’ is the key to the performers to perform successfully at the highest level.

Did you know?
When I learnt NLP from John Grinder, he shared with us that he still does rock climbing which would is at the same level as what professional rock climbers would do even though he is in his 70’s. His secret - accessing ‘know nothing’ state for the purpose of learning in an accelerated way and to do rock climbing in a more efficient way.

A lady shooting an arrow on bullseye after achieving High Performance state in Ahbay's NLP course in Mumbai
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Accessing The 'Know Nothing State'

The NLP techniques (which I share in my Transformative NLP trainings in India and abroad) activate the ‘know nothing state’ which can help an individual not only in the field of sports but also in every aspect of life which can enable the individual to have a better quality of life.

A good exercise to get an experience of the 'know nothing state’ is by modelling a child who is at a pre-verbal age. At that age the child experiences the world as is and there is no (or not much) internal dialogue and therefore this activity can enable you to be fully present in the experience.

Being fully present even in a conversation is a highly appreciative gift you can give to a person with whom you are having a conversation.

There have been several individuals who have spoken on similar themes such as ‘Power of Now’ by Osho and Ekchart Tolle.

The ‘know nothing state’ is a vital element in every sport whether it’s individual or team for enhancing the performance. You can achieve that even by playing New Code NLP Games for approximately 12 minutes.

In some moments, the more you know, the less you know.

Shruti Mishra experiencing deep trance state in Abhay Thhakkar's NLP course in Mumbai
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High Performance State / Peak Performance State

The players often face situations in which they face tremendous pressure. Even in such occasions they must ensure they perform at their highest level and are top of their game.
Hence, the activities in my Transformative NLP trainings, assists a player to reach ‘high performance’ state.
The ‘high performance’ state enables the player to access their peak performance at their own will including the high-pressure situations.

Ahbay Thhakkar - NLP Trainer with many smiley balls, indicating New Code NLP Games being played in his New Code NLP courses in India
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Being the best athlete!

In today’s high level of completion and the advanced use of technology where the opponent finds flaws in your game, it’s important to keep working on the performance.
No matter how much the talent, some of the key requirements to be on top of the game is passion and commitment, which is where, a specialized coach comes into play who works to condition only on the mind.

As most often athletes say, “Game is half won in the mind”.  

The simple NLP techniques I teach in my Transformative NLP courses in Mumbai and other cities, enables just to do so and I also train NLP coaches so they can work on individuals who would like to achieve excellence in the field of sports.

2 superheroes - male and female, standing proud after achieving a lot
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NLP in Football

Did you know?

Ederwho scored the goal for Portugal in the finals of Euro cup in 2016, dedicated that goal to Susana. Susana, a life coach, had used the patterns of New Code NLP on Eder so that he could reach ‘high performance state.

In fact, the below article got featured in a magazine in Portugal:

Éder's success with Portugal is called Susana Torres – a certified New Code NLP Practitioner, who used New Code NLP techniques on Eder. The footballer who gave the first Eurocopa to Portugal has a "mental coach" after going through a deep personal and professional depression. H Éder is today a local hero for the goal that gave Portugal his first Eurocup, but a year ago he was a footballer on the verge of personal and professional depression, until he found the "mental coach" Susana Torres.

"She's my high-performance trainer. All of you should know it, "said the Luso-Guinean striker, who, even to mark that historic, was the most discussed member of the 23 summoned by the Portuguese coach, Fernando Santos. Éder, a shy footballer who spent his childhood in an orphanage and with an imprisoned father, was about to leave everything after an adverse season.

The World Cup in 2014, in which he was devastated with harsh criticism, and discreet results in his then club, Braga, led him to a limit situation. In an intimate interview given this week to the famous journalist Daniel Oliviera, he said that he considered leaving the profession of footballer and, worse, he thought of giving up his life.  

Then, Éder met, by chance, with Susana Torres. A daughter of Torres, the little Rita, was photographed with the player at the end of a game of the local League and that’s how they come into contact.

"When he came to me in January 2015, he was not achieving the results hewanted," recalled the "mental coach," a profession that could betranslated as a kind of motivator or mentor.

In sessions of up to an hour and a half, and between two and three times a week, the "mental coach" Torres made Éder focus his energies on "what he could control".
"He learned to focus on himself - on his behavior and not focus on what they (the critics) said about him." he said. 

Once that attitude was altered, the rest of the player's life ends up being positively affected, he corroborated.

the brain
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NLP in Tennis

Martina Navratilova was once asked, “How do you maintain your focus, physique and sharp game even at the age of43?"  
She gave a humble reply, “The ball doesn’t know how old I am”.

You need to stop yourself from stopping yourself.
Every game in life is actually played on a 6 inch ground – the space between your two ears.  

We don't live in bungalows, duplexes or flats.
We live in our mind which is an unlimited area.

Life is great when things are sorted and uncluttered there.  
Keeping the mind messy with hatred growing on the table, regrets piling up in corner, expectations boiling in kitchen, secrets stuffed under the carpet and worries littered everywhere ruins this real home.   

The key factor to performing well in life and in every arena, is the ability to control the quality and quantity of your “internal dialogue”.

Performance is potential minus internal interference. 

A creative picture of 2 minds combining to get ideas during an NLP course in Mumbai
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