NLP Course benefits for Leadership

With great power comes great responsibility
and with great responsibility comes great power.

Page Overview

• Formulae of Success in Leadership
• Rapport building and forming a "connect"
• The emotional state including state of creativity
• Enjoy and each person benefits
• Learning techniques that benefit family members.

A lady siting in her office and smiling
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Is there a formulae for becoming successful in leadership?

Among many, one of the key aspects that seem to be common among successful leaders is the attitude of constantly learning and evolving since they are well aware that change is the only constant.

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A successful leader just knows and acts what to do when there is friction, confusion and underperformance in the organization since these are the 3 things that naturally happen in an organization.

Since learning and dealing with challenges is something that a leader has to naturally deal with, there are many transformative NLP techniques which can not only address that but add a lot of value to the organization so that the organization reaches the pinnacle of success with more ease.

NLP Practitioners in India trained by the best NLP Trainer in India - Abhay Thakkar
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An Inspirational Leader

Remember, along with being strategic and taking the appropriate actions, it's important for a leader to be inspirational. Since it's the leader's inspiration that motivates the employees and propels the organisation towards immense growth.  

What makes a leader inspirational?
An important aspect that makes a leader inspirational is the connect they build by having a deep rapport and the state (physiology, emotion) that they exude. Further, this enables them to implement the strategic steps such as those of ‘The Growth Ladder’ more effectively and efficiently.


Rapport is power. Rapport allows the leader to have a high responsiveness from people with a reduced resistance when they communicate. Forming a ‘connect’, allows the communication to be well received and makes a lasting impact. This also ensures there is synchronicity within an organization and the organization operates as a “well-oiled machine”.

We like people who are like ourselves

Usually, we only connect with people who are like us. However, learning rapport building skills that I teach in my NLP trainings, enables a leader to connect to all kinds of people. This ensures they command respect without demanding it.

“Leadershipis creating a world to which people want to belong” – Gilles Pajou

Power of Linguistics

Among the most common ways to create a rapport is to utilize the ‘power of linguistics’. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln and other leaders not only inspired the nation but also the world by wielding the ‘power of linguistics’ unconsciously. These days many leaders including political leaders are aware of ‘power of linguistics’ and hence use NLP to influence people.

However, it’s not only what you say but how you say is what makes the difference.

A woman multitasking easily after attending an NLP course in Mumbai
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The emotional state

In my Transformative NLP courses in Mumbai and other cities, we emphasise working on the state. Infact, the states generated through NLP techniques assists the leaders to achieve more than what they think they can achieve. It enables the leaders to go beyond the conscious limitations they have set on themselves since the Transformative NLP activities are designed to unleash the power and wisdom of the unconscious mind.

Of course, there are several NLP techniques for emotional management that enable us to respond and not react as well.


Even those looking for ‘solution’ and for the ‘creative juices’ to flow, the New Code NLP tools and techniques that I teach in my Transformative NLP course benefits them.

Creativity is an often overlooked as an important trait of a leader. Robert Dilts (NLP Trainer) has extensively modelled successful leaders and entrepreneurs. He found that successful people are the one who cross the bridge and access into the quantum world of possibilities, and they then find a way to bring it into the realm of reality.
Robert Dilts has written many NLP books, perhaps an NLP book applicable for leaders is – “Visionary Leadership.”

Group discussion during NLP Course in Delhi
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Besides the multiple benefits of Transformative NLP techniques and tools, what makes New Code NLP interesting is that since the activities are in the format of a game, (which usually lasts for about 15 minutes) it has the element of enjoyment in it.

As Dale Carnegie: "People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing”.

Each one benefits

Besides the leader, everyone in the organisation can use the New Code NLP techniques and tools that I teach in my Transformative NLP trainings in Mumbai and other cities to enhance their performance.
The magic of it is that it can be used to not only improve professional life but it allows enables them to enhance personal life too. The Transformative NLP tools enable each person to overcome the stress they often experience that may affect their performance of their work as well as their personal life.

Best NLP Practitioner and NLP Trainer from Mumbai - Abhay Thakkar, attending NLP Course in Madrid, Spain, facilitated by Frank Pucelik (co-creator of NLP)
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Become Empowered to Help Family

In my Transformative NLP training courses the participants get trained as a Certified NLP Coach. Hence, through my NLP course, not only they benefit but since they get trained as a NLP Coach, they can assist their family members, friends, colleagues and just about everyone across the world they come across who is looking to improve their quality of life.

The NLP techniques and tools I share, can be easily applied on children and other family members to enable them to enhance their quality of life. You can find the applications of the NLP practitioner course for parents in the link: Transformative NLP course benefits for parents.

People jumping with joy and celebrating their success because of the nlp coaching course
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