Learnings from NLP Trainers

This page is based on my personal experience of learning from co-founders of NLP - Dr. John Grinder and Frank Pucelik as well as more than 10 NLP Trainers including NLP Trainers from India.

Page Overview

• My NLP Trainers.

• My motivation to learn from many NLP Trainers.

• Difference in NLP course contents.

• Difference in NLP Training format.

• Advantage of the NLP field.

• How evolved is the NLP Trainers?

• Fair criticisms by NLP Trainers?

• Best NLP Trainer?

• Journey of learning Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Best NLP Practitioner and NLP Trainer from Mumbai - Abhay Thakkar, attending NLP Course in Madrid, Spain, facilitated by Frank Pucelik (co-creator of NLP)
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The NLP Trainers

I have been learning Neuro Linguistic Programming since 2008. In my learning journey I have learnt from more than 10 NLP trainers in India and overseas. Some include:
• Dick McHugh (NLP Trainer from India)
• Dr. John Grinder and Frank Pucelik (co-creators of NLP)
• Christina Hall (co-developer of NLP)

Hence, of course, my learning journey of Neuro Linguistic Programming is extensive and fulfilling.

NLP co-developer and NLP Trainer - Christina Hall with India's best NLP Trainer - Abhay Thhakkar (NLP Practitioner from Mumbai)
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Motivation of attending several NLP courses

Firstly, through my learning journey of having learnt NLP from more than 10 NLP trainers including NLP co-creators - Dr. John Grinder and Frank Pucelik, I have noticed the differences in course contents.
Hence, this intrigues me, which makes me sign up for their NLP courses even though I have attended numerous NLP courses in India and abroad. The excitement of learning, practicing and applying what I learn from them is a huge motivation for me.

Additionally interacting and learning from classmates of the NLP training from every walk of life.

Further, what's fascinating about Neuro Linguistic Programming is that it is applicable to each person who communicates since one of the primary applications of NLP is effective communication.
Since each of us communicate - verbally and/or non-verbally, with others and self, there are numerous applications of NLP for every person.
Of course, the person must have a desire to enhance their life for getting value from learning and applying NLP.
You can find many articles regarding how it can be applied for different professions on the page: NLP Articles.

Abhay Thhakkar's NLP course in Madrid, Spain
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NLP Course contents - differences

As each NLP trainers go about sharing even what is NLP and even the origins of NLP, there is a difference in the content shared.
At such times, I obviously opt to believe what the co-creators say rather than the other NLP trainers including NLP trainers in India.

As the NLP training - NLP Practitioner / NLP Master Practitioner proceeds, I get fascinated with their applications of NLP patterns.
This further broadens my perspective of NLP and gives me ideas of how I can about applying NLP in varied contexts as well.
Further, it gives me ideas to share with participants of my NLP courses in Mumbai and other cities.

NLP course in Mumbai
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NLP Training format - differences

I have noticed that the NLP training format of expert NLP trainers differs.

Each of them utilise different training format such as the 4mat system, Kobler's cycle, John Grinder's training format, Frank Pucelik training format, infinity loop, etc.

I have noticed that the best NLP trainers utilise nested loop (which is extensively used also by Richard Bandler), Milton Model pattern, and other language pattern while they are delivering the NLP Training.

I have also noticed that some of the best NLP trainers use NLP techniques like anchoring and sub modalities in a conversational way which I get impressed by.
Although such NLP trainers are very rare.
I get impressed by it since that reflects their mastery over NLP.

In fact, the NLP techniques and tools were coded by the co-creators of NLP when they watched Fritz Perls, Dr. Milton H. Erickson, Virginia Satir and other geniuses when they performed their magic of transforming people's lives even conversationally, including NLP techniques like anchoring and perceptual position.

two corporate trainers with a hand shake and a city in a background
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Advantage of NLP

Since Neuro Linguistic Programming is an open field, it gives the opportunity for NLP Practitioners, NLP Master Practitioners, NLP Coaches, NLP Trainers, to add their unique style of applying the NLP patterns.
In fact, I have seen more than 5 ways of doing even a basic NLP technique like swish.
In my opinion, none being the best but simply unique which gives me a different understanding of the NLP techniques. 

Another advantage of NLP being an open field is that NLP Practitioners/ NLP Trainers develop the field of NLP. NLP is continuously enhancing and pushing the boundaries. 

While some have interests in language patterns, some with NLP Modelling, while some with NLP techniques.
John Grinder says that to develop the field of NLP, it must have a more scientific backing and researcher. On the other hand, Frank Pucelik sees the future of NLP in educational institutions. Frank has done extensive work with addiction cases in his rehabilitation centres and also working with the army.

Participant in analytic mode during Abhay's NLP course in Mumbai
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NLP Training course contents

As I have gone about learning NLP from different trainers, it becomes very apparent what their interest lies and the developments they have made with the NLP patterns. 
Before I enroll for an NLP training, I check the course contents of their NLP training and if I find that there is nothing unique in it and the course contents is similar to what other NLP trainers teach, I know that i should not learn NLP from him/her/ NLP training institute.
Why would I invest time and money to learn course contents which was developed in 1970's?
It also reflects that the NLP trainer has not evolved from the 1st NLP course they have attended which also tells me how interested are they in NLP and their applications of NLP in their personal and professional life.
I believe NLP Trainers must also do NLP coaching to become an expert in NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming.

mike pointing towards us indicating freedom of speech
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Criticisms by NLP trainers

While I understand that many NLP trainers have their own perspective, approach and development, some NLP trainers dismiss and criticise different approaches without having sufficient knowledge and experience to form an opinion of the approach. I wonder why they have the reluctance to appreciate the different styles and perspectives of NLP.

I have even come across some NLP trainers dismiss New Code NLP without even learning or practicing it. I have heard some NLP trainers say " New Code NLP is like an old wine in a new bottle".
While some who have said "John created New Code NLP as a way for him to disassociate with Richard Bandler" and some have criticised the New Code NLP patterns. 
Of course it reflects their attitude to learning and how closed their "map of their world" is. 
John Grinder co-created NLP. Hence, he surely knows what is NLP. Is it not? 
Hence wouldn't New Code NLP have something substantial? 
Many NLP Practitioners, NLP trainers in India and abroad who choose to learn more, have attended my New Code NLP training have experienced the difference between NLP and New Code NLP.
Some NLP Practitioners/ NLP Master Practitioners / NLP trainers have been kind to share their reviews of my New Code NLP trainings in India, which I have put on this website.

I have also come across some NLP trainers critiquing basic NLP skills like calibration and basic NLP techniques involving anchoring, sub-modalities and patterns involving timeline. 

Participants discussing during Abhay's NLP Master Practitioner course in India
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Best NLP Trainer?

What I have also particularly noticed is that NLP trainers in India going around self-proclaiming to be the best NLP Trainer in India / best NLP training in India / most advanced NLP Training, etc. I question their need to do so. 

I have noticed the artful use of NLP patterns by NLP Master Practitioners, NLP trainers on me but of course I play along :) 

A lady (NLP Practitioner) in front of the laptop thinking during the online NLP course
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Journey of learning NLP

When I learnt NLP from Frank Pucelik (co-founder of NLP), it was different from John Grinder (co-founder of NLP), including NLP modeling.
When I spoke to Frank about John Grinder's NLP modelling format, he said that he wasn't even aware that John Grinder used that. 
What's common between both is that they are dismissive about the NLP modelling and course contents of Robert Dilts (co-developer of NLP). Hence this creates a confusion in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming regarding the course contents. Although, I see this also as an opportunity to learn more from different perspectives.

While my learning journey of NLP has been fulfilling since each of the NLP courses I have attended has added to my understanding of NLP and its applications in my personal and professional life which has enhanced the quality of my life.

Nlp course in Mumbai with Abhay Thhakkar
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